Training and Technical Assistance
Community Action Partnership of Utah works in partnership with Utah's State Community Services Office to provide training, support, and technical assistance on the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) to the nine Community Action Agencies (CAAs) in Utah. In addition to individualized consultation with local CAAs, CAP Utah's efforts include ROMA, CSBG Organizational Standards, the Poverty Simulation, and our Monthly Newsletter.
Contact us to request training or technical assistance in any of the following topics.
CSBG Organizational Standards
The CSBG Organizational Standards were introduced in 2014 as a way of increasing the accountability and effectiveness of local CAAs across the nation. The standards fall into three thematic groups – Maximum Feasible Participation, Vision & Direction, and Operations & Accountability. All local CAAs will be required to comply with the Organizational Standards beginning in Federal Fiscal Year 2016. As the state association, CAP Utah is dedicated to assisting the local network in implementing the standards and provides training and one-on-one support to local CAAs in pursuing this goal.
Results Oriented Management & Accountability
Results Oriented Management & Accountability (ROMA) is a performance-based initiative designed to preserve the anti-poverty focus of community action and to promote greater effectiveness among state and local agencies receiving CSBG funds. It is a cyclical way of thinking about programmatic and organizational planning that focuses on outcomes and uses a logic model to design programs. CAP Utah provides ROMA training to the Utah network.
Community Action Poverty Simulation
The Community Action Poverty Simulation is a unique tool made available by the Missouri Association for Community Action that CAP Utah uses to educate everyone, from policy makers to local community leaders, about the day to day realities of life with a shortage of money and an abundance of stress. During a simulation, participants role-play the lives of low-income families trying to secure food, shelter, and other basic necessities. The Poverty Simulation enables participants to view poverty from different angles in an experiential setting, ultimately increasing their understanding of and empathy for the thousands of Utahns who struggle to make ends meet. CAP Utah offers the Poverty Simulation to local CAAs, other nonprofits, government agencies, and businesses.
Monthly Newsletter
Each month, CAP Utah publishes a newsletter that provides updates and information on CSBG and poverty related topics.