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What We Do

Frequent Questions

Have you ever had a question and didn’t know where to find the answer? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

This section is a compilation of answers to the questions most commonly asked by our constituents. Just start by following one of the links below. If you can’t find the question you wanted to ask, don’t hesitate to contact us.

  1. What does your organization do?

    The organization is the state association for the nine Community Action Agencies (CAA's) in Utah. We assist agencies with administering and complying with the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) and Organizational Standards. This includes working with the State Community Services Office (SCSO) within the Utah Department of Workforce Service's Housing and Community Development Division, the National Community Action Partnership, and the Region 8 Regional Innovation and Performance Consortium (Region 8 RPIC) to provide training to agency staff within our network. For the majority of CAA's, the association also supports data collection and reporting through the CAP60 database.

    CAP Utah also partners with other advocacy organizations like Utahans Against Hunger, Utah Housing Coalition, and Voices for Utah Children to inform elected officials on the causes and conditions of poverty in Utah.

    Finally, CAP Utah supports the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) coalition. In the next year or two, CAP Utah will transition this role to its partner "Tax Help Utah" and focus more heavily on training and technical assistance and advocacy.

  2. How can I get involved?

    The best way to get involved is to work with your local Community Action Agency (CAA) to provide direct services to households and advocate on behalf of low-income Utahns. You can also work with CAP Utah to assist with advocacy on a statewide level or to be a VITA volunteer.

    You can also support our work by providing donations of money to CAP Utah or one of the Community Action Agencies in the network. Donations of goods for low-income families are best delivered to our agencies directly.

  3. Funds donated support Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) and other asset development programs, providing free poverty simulations to partners across the state, and filling in training and technical assistance gaps not covered by other funding sources.

    Financial information, including the 990, can be found in the financials section under "Who we Are."

  4. Do you pay rent, distribute food, or provide other direct assistance?

    Apart from providing free tax preparation services, CAP Utah does not provide direct services. Local Community Action Agencies (CAA's) provide many of these services. Information about our network can be found under "Who We Are" > "Our Network". You may also call 211 or visit for to find service providers to meet your needs.

  5. Is CAP Utah the same organization as 'Utah Community Action'?

    No. Community Action Partnership is not the same organization as Utah Community Action (also known as Salt Lake Community Action Program). Utah Community Action is one of the nine Community Action Agencies (CAA's) in Utah. UCA primarily serves Salt Lake and Tooele Counties, but weatherization services in Davis, Morgan, and Weber Counties and landlord-tenant mediation services statewide.

  6. Is CAP Utah the Community Action Agency in Davis County?

    No. Open Doors (Formerly Known as Family Connection Center) is the Community Action Agency for Davis and Morgan Counties. Because CAP Utah rents space in the basement of Open Door's Layton food pantry, Googling "Community Action" in Davis County often brings up our information. If you live in Davis or Morgan County, please contact Open Doors for assistance.