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Part 1: Uniform Guidance Administrative Requirements

Tuesday, August 10, 2021
1:00 pm2:30 pm

You’re a new community action agency leader. You’ve spent your first days, weeks, and months deciphering countless acronyms and learning about strange new concepts such as tripartite boards. You finally think you grasp all you need to know, and then it hits you like a block grant. Someone at a meeting utters the words “Uniform Guidance.” Your eyes dart around the room. Colleagues act calm and relaxed. They reference some code, “2 CFR 200,” and smile. You start to sweat. Did you miss a memo? Guidance for what? Financial operations? Allowable costs? Careful not to cause a scene, you quietly exit the room and sneak back to your desk. You face your computer and type in the search terms “community action,” “uniform guidance,” and “training.” Suddenly you see it:

CAPLAW is hosting a two-part webinar series for new leaders just like you!

Join us for Part 1 of the "Uniform Guiding Light: Introducing New Leaders to the Uniform Administrative Requirements and Cost Principles for Federal Awards" webinar series to learn about the regulations governing the administration of federal awards, and what is required of grant recipients during the grant period, as well as pre- and post-award. Topics to be discussed include financial management systems, property standards, and procurement.

Presenter: Denes Tobie, Wipfli LLP