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NCAP - Braiding Funds For Weatherization Recruitment & Retention

Wednesday, October 27, 2021
12:00 pm1:00 pm

Christopher Vought, Director of Housing Rehabilitation, Energy Conservation & NH Electric Assistance Program at Community Action Program, Belknap-Merrimack Counties, Inc. in Concord, New Hampshire has a strong Weatherization crew and hopes to expand it. To attract quality candidates he’s using a combination of funding sources to offer a starting salary over $40,000 per year. “Minimum wage is $7.25. Wal-Mart starts at $15 an hour. This is a good opportunity”, he explained. In this webinar, Chris will describe how he delivers competitive salaries with federal, state and utility funds, and how he is learning to work with technical colleges and high schools in the area to recruit and train quality candidates.