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UNA - Understanding the Google Grant Program: Helping Nonprofits Grow

Wednesday, November 10, 2021
2:00 pm3:00 pm

UNA Members: $15
Yet to be UNA members: $29

Register here with the code "UNA" for this event brought to you in partnership with Arizona Alliance of Nonprofits.

Join Josh Barrious, of uluad Marketing, to discuss applying for and using the Google Ad Grant. The Google Ad Grants Program gives nonprofits the chance to advertise on Google Ads at no cost.

This program gives qualified organizations $10,000 per month in Google Ads spend to be used to promote their missions and initiatives on To qualify, companies must go through the application process, and to keep the grant they must follow the program details.

In this session you'll learn:

What is the Google Grant?
An example of how nonprofits can use this type of advertising to help grow revenue.
What to expect and why it has it to be managed.
Resources & management options (self or professional management)
How to apply for the grant