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CFPB Webinar: New guides for consumers on preventing financial abuse in long-term care

Tuesday, December 7, 2021
1:00 pm2:00 pm

You’re invited to join the Office for Older Americans on Tuesday, December 7, at 3:00 pm ET for a free webinar. CFPB staff will share highlights from our two new guides to help family and friends of people living in assisted living communities and nursing homes prevent elder financial abuse.
The full-length guide walks through four steps to fighting elder financial abuse: Prevent, Recognize, Record, and Report. It lists red flags to watch for, shares common scenarios, and includes resources people can use to help their loved ones in different situations.
The accompanying bifold handout on reporting elder financial abuse explains where and how to file reports and find more help.
This webinar is intended for family and friends of people living in long-term care communities and also professionals, including long-term care ombudsmen, legal services attorneys, social workers, service coordinators, bank or credit union staff, faith leaders, librarians, and law enforcement officers.
If you want to attend, register now. When your registration is approved, you'll receive an invitation to join.
Event Number: 2760 995 4120
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