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Dipjar - The Best (and Worst) Dates for Special Event Fundraising

Tuesday, December 14, 2021
12:00 pm1:00 pm

Join DipJar and the Fundraising Experts at AmFund to Discuss your 2022 Fundraising Calendar. Learn from our team’s research and analytics to prepare for the best (and worst) dates to hold special event fundraisers and campaigns throughout 2022. Be sure and register for this informative session to receive a special follow up blog post full of fundraising best practices and dates to avoid!

About the Hosts: The American Fundraising Foundation Speaker’s Bureau is comprised of a team of renowned Development Experts who take great joy in spearheading creative campaigns and sharing best practices with nonprofits across the globe. With vast professional backgrounds ranging from biological sciences to member recruitment and sales, you can always count on the team at AmFund to deliver a unique perspective in their training and educational materials, available to all the nonprofits with whom the American Fundraising Foundation partners. The Certified Virtual Presenters and Fundraising Experts at AmFund look forward to leading you through this informative session on: The Best (and Worst) Dates for Special Event Fundraising.

This collaboration was arranged through a listing on Nexus Marketing’s HAPO (Help a Partner Out) page. HAPO is a free service that connects members of the social good sector for cross-marketing and educational opportunities, such as webinars, podcasts, and conferences. For more information on HAPO or Nexus Marketing’s other offerings check out their website,