Financial Health Institute - Person-Centered/Data-Driven Organizations Live Session 2

The Financial Health Institute will be presenting a learning suite that will combine live-virtual training with e-courses. They suites focus on Community Theory of Change.
Person-Centered/Data-Driven Organizations
Virtual live cohort meetings on January 5 & 19, February 2 & 16, 2022, from 2:00 to 3:00 MT
Frederick Richmond and Joanne McLain
A system for placing the client at the center of your operations, supported at every step by data so that every activity can be measured and analyzed, and the results can inform future practices. Your team will meet with a cohort of people working to enhance their organization, with a focus on Steps 1-11 of the PC/DD model to develop your agency flow chart.
Includes six online e-learning courses in the PC/DD Organization series.
Scholarship are available to staff, board, and partners of Community Action Agencies. If you are interested in a scholarship, please reach out to Clint Cottam -