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UNA Credential in Fundraising and Development (online)

Wednesday, January 26, 2022
9:00 am3:00 pm

Successful fundraising and development lies in doing common things uncommonly well. The focus and purpose of the UNA Credential in Fundraising and Development—applying best practices to your nonprofit’s policies and procedures—creates meaningful and lasting change in how your nonprofit secures funding.
Course Description and Learning Objectives

Focusing on the application of best practices to your organization distinguishes the Credential from traditional training. Online live training sessions, expert coaching specific to your organization, and curated resources combine to create a practical and actionable way to create a culture of excellence surrounding your fundraising practices.

Lisa Maxwell, a subject matter expert (SME) in fundraising and nonprofit leadership, leads the training sessions and consultations. Her work as a nonprofit executive director and in fundraising for nonprofits of all sizes makes her acutely aware of the challenges you face—as well as solutions you can employ to create a sustainable fundraising plan.

Course Components: Information, Application, and Coaching

Online training sessions: Two days of training, delivered online, synthesize core concepts and best practices for ethical and effective fundraising. Session recordings, made available to registered participants, simplify revisiting concepts and juggling competing priorities should you need to miss part of a session. (We do encourage you to take part as fully as possible in the online sessions.)

Essential Requirements: Badge Requirements synthesize your adoption of best practices so that you can make sure that your organization has established policies and procedures that support building high-capacity fundraising.

Consultation with the Subject Matter Expert and Coaching: Registration includes a consultation with the subject matter expert on your organization’s current fundraising practices as well as feedback specific to your nonprofit's integration of best practices. The SME will review your practices and offer feedback designed to make your work more effective.

Resources: Registration includes access to templates and samples that give you a head start on creating and improving your fundraising, because we know how much work you have on your plate.

Application: Completing even part of the Credential in Fundraising and Development can mean better results. Successfully completing all of the requirements earns your organization a badge and distinguishes both your results and your organization’s reputation in the community.

UNA Member Rate: $168 for the first person/$30 for each additional participant
Not-Yet-Member Rate: $336 for the first person/$60 for each additional participant

Course Dates:
Classroom Training Part 1: Tuesday, January 25, 2022 from 9 am to 3 pm
Classroom Training Part 2: Wednesday, January 26, 2022 from 9 am to 3 pm
Consulations*: Wednesday, March 2, 2022 or Thursday, March 3, 2022
*Consultations provide you with an opportunity for more deeply integrating the concepts and practices covered in the program. We'll schedule each organization for a 45-minute consultation with our Subject Matter Expert.

Online via Zoom

When January 25th, 2022 9:00 AM through January 26th, 2022 3:00 PM
Location Online
Event Fee(s) - UNA Members: Please log in above to see member discount
UNA Credential Registration
First Registrant $ 336.00
Additional Registrant $ 60.00