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WIPFLI - Methods of Procurement Under Uniform Guidance

Thursday, February 24, 2022
9:00 am11:00 am

Training Seminar Outline
Advanced Preparation: None
Level: Basic
Prerequisite: None
Field of Study: Accounting (Governmental)
CPE*: 2.0 credits

How does an organization implement micro-purchases? What is a sealed bid, and when is it used? When do you need to have prior written approval? In this session, we will review the methods of procurement identified in the Uniform Guidance and discuss procurement internal controls and best practices related to the implementation and compliance with the regulations.

Learning Objectives:

Examine an overview of federal procurement regulations.
Review the methods of procurement in federal grant regulations.
Identify procurement internal controls and best practices to comply with regulations.
Registration Fee*
$245 per connection

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