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WIPFLI - Coaching for performance

Tuesday, March 8, 2022
9:00 am10:30 am

Training Seminar Outline
Advanced Preparation: None
Level: Basic
Prerequisite: None
Field of Study: Personnel/HR
CPE*: 1.5 credits

Performance management is the process of creating and maintaining an environment of accountability to enable employees to perform to the best of their abilities. It is a process that begins when an individual starts the employment relationship and ends when the individual leaves. In this session, we will explore what prevents an employee from achieving effective levels of performance and how managers can engage in effective coaching to assist employees in achieving personal and professional success.

Learning Objectives:

Identify performance management trends and strategies.
Discuss how to establish a performance system that drives personal accountability through organization, team and individual goals.
Share ideas about the critical role of coaching and effective coaching methodologies.
$195 per connection

My Wipfli Nonprofit and Government Membership Service members automatically receive an additional $25 discount per registrant!

Payment: Payment is processed at the time of registration. Wipfli accepts AmEx, Discover, Visa and Mastercard.