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NONPROFIT HUB - 3 paths to success with fundraising from older donors this year

Tuesday, March 15, 2022
10:00 am11:00 am

If you’re a fundraiser, you may not surprised to learn that donors over 65 give more than half of all charitable dollars — even more within planned and major giving.
They’re a crucial demographic for most organizations, and if you want to secure larger gifts from these donors, you need to understand what’s shaping them, how to engage them, and what giving methods are most effective.
So we’re inviting you to join Patrick Schmitt, the Co-CEO of FreeWill, on Tuesday, March 15, at 12pm ET for a free webinar on the three essential paths for success with fundraising from older donors in 2022.
You'll take away key learnings on:
• Top trends impacting these donors
• The best ways for 65+ donors to give this year
• Effective strategies to engage this key demographic
RSVP now to this free, can't-miss webinar worth 1.0 CFRE credits. We hope to see you there!