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WIPFLI - Documentation, Documentation, Documentation

Tuesday, March 29, 2022
9:00 am10:30 am

Training Seminar Outline
Advanced Preparation: None
Level: Basic
Prerequisite: None
Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge
CPE*: 1.5 credits

Documentation — or lack of adequate or proper documentation — is often cited in monitoring reviews and audits. From funding sources to the Office of Inspector General, it’s an area where organizations who offer excellent services can run into trouble. In addition, the need for documentation does not disappear when a crisis hits. As we’ve seen, operations change, and agencies need to ensure their documentation identifies how taxpayers’ dollars are spent on items that are necessary, reasonable, allowable, allocable and what a prudent person would do in similar circumstances. Join this session, and we will share challenges we have seen, possible solutions and areas of improvement.

Learning Objectives:

1. Discuss red flags when it comes to documentation.
2. Explore areas of documentation best practices.
3. Identify areas of improvement moving forward.

Registration Fee
$195 per connection

My Wipfli Nonprofit and Government Membership Service members automatically receive an additional $25 discount per registrant!


Payment is processed at the time of registration. Wipfli accepts AmEx, Discover, Visa and Mastercard.