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NCAP / WIPFLI - NCAP Launches New Partnership with Wipfli

Thursday, March 31, 2022
12:00 pm1:00 pm

Wipfli has proudly served the Community Action Network for more than 40 years. They are nationally recognized for accounting, audit, training, and consulting services specifically designed for the needs of CAAs. Known for its compliance expertise, Wipfli audits more CAAs than any other CPA firm in the country. As a partner for navigating change and guiding organizations forward, Wipfli also provides consulting services to over 100 CAAs annually, including strategic planning, community and risk needs assessments, organizational and wage structure reviews, financial system implementation, outsourced accounting, and technology management. Wipfli trains thousands of nonprofit professionals each year, including its cornerstone training event, Wipfli’s Stronger to Serve annual conference, which provides the most comprehensive training to leaders, board members and program managers. And approximately 200 CAAs annually subscribe to the My Wipfli Online Membership Service, which provides expert, curated content; easy-to-apply templates; and access to Wipfli nonprofit consultants.

NCAP will be hosting a webinar with Wipfli on Thursday, March 31, at 2 ET / 1 CT / 12 MT / 11 PT to introduce the partnership and provide an overview of the benefits available to NCAP members through Wipfli. Please consider joining us!