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UNA - Canva Pro Demo

Tuesday, April 5, 2022
11:00 am12:00 pm

Does your nonprofit need graphic design that is accessible and free? Are you using Canva? And if you are using Canva are you paying for it?

If you are not using Canva, I would highly recommend it (and if you do please respond to this email to let us know what your experience is like in the program).

If you are paying for Canva, you may not need to. They have a special program for nonprofits that opens their pro account features to use without payment.

Our Benefit Partner, Tech Impact is hosting a free webinar to learn all about Canva Pro 4/5/22 at 11 am

In this webinar you'll learn:

• How to see if your nonprofit is eligible for Canva Pro
• Basic graphic design tips
• How to create your 'brand kit'
• Tutorials for using Canva to create graphics
• Additional useful Canva features