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WIPFLI - Do you know what to do if your organization’s been hacked?

Tuesday, April 5, 2022
9:00 am10:00 am

Join us for a virtual workshop designed for nonprofits and associations on how to respond to a cyberattack. Whether you experience a data breach, device loss or compromised email account, it’s critical to know how to minimize the impact and get back up and running — fast.

Ryan Peasley, Senior Technology Manager at Wipfli, will lead the interactive training and discussion. Ryan has over 15 years of experience helping organizations manage, implement, and use technology to achieve their goals.

As cyberattacks increase in frequency and sophistication, your organization must build awareness of common hacks and what procedures to put into place for how to respond effectively. Don’t miss this valuable online training and critical conversation that impacts the future of your organization.

Who should attend:
• Leaders: All nonprofits, public community actions, school districts, community colleges and government agencies
• Roles: IT, fiscal, HR, fundraising, board members, operations and program