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WIPFLI - How boards and executive directors work together related to finances

Thursday, April 14, 2022
9:00 am10:30 am

Training Seminar Outline
Advanced Preparation: None
Level: Basic
Prerequisite: None
Field of Study: Accounting (Governmental)
CPE*: 1.5 credits
This session explores the many areas of fiscal responsibility where boards and executive directors need to work together. Topics covered will be legal and fiscal responsibility, roles, budgets, fundraising, risk and approvals. Both new and experienced boards will benefit.

Learning Objectives:

Review board roles and responsibilities as they relate to finances.
Discover ways to work together more effectively.
Discuss how fiscal responsibility is more than just the financial statements.

$195 per connection for one hour

My Wipfli Membership Service members automatically receive an additional $25 discount per registrant!

Payment: Payment is processed at the time of registration. Wipfli accepts AmEx, Discover, Visa and Mastercard.

Transfers and Cancellations:

Participants who are unable to attend may be eligible to transfer or cancel their registration. All transfer or cancellation requests must be received in writing no later than two business days before the start of the event for which you are currently registered.* A $25.00 service fee will be applied to all transfer and cancellation requests. Additional fees may apply.
Participants who registered but did not attend the event or complete a request to transfer or cancel within the allotted time are liable for the full registration fee.
If Wipfli reschedules or cancels the event, you will be notified via email, at which time you will be given the option to transfer to another training or receive a refund.
*For more information, including deadlines and fees, view the full policy here. For questions or concerns, please call 888 876 4992 or email (subject line: “Registration Transfer [or Cancellation]”).