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WIPFLI - General board governance

Wednesday, May 11, 2022
12:00 pm1:30 pm

Training Seminar Outline
Advanced Preparation: None
Level: Basic
Prerequisite: None
Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge
CPE*: 1.5 credits

This session is designed for all types of boards. It will cover the following topics:

Management’s expectations
Conflicts of interest
Board and internal controls
Risk management
Board evaluation
It will also include an exercise to test your level of understanding.

Learning objectives:

Build awareness of overall board roles and responsibilities.
Discuss board responsibilities related to risk management.
Explore how to create a “tone at the top.”
Registration Fee*

My Wipfli Membership Service members automatically receive an additional $25 discount per registrant!
Be prepared:
You will receive the webinar access information upon registration as well as reminders one day and one hour prior to the training. Materials will be available from one hour before the training until one day after the training. When the materials become available, you can access them by clicking the Materials tab in the app or desktop Menu.

Tips for a good experience:

Use the desktop version of Bizzabo and the Google Chrome Browser.
If you use a mobile device:
iPhone — Use the Safari browser.
Android — Use the Google Chrome browser.
You will not see the trainer. You will see only the presentation and video (if applicable).
If you are connected to a VPN, you should disconnect.
If you experience the webinar freezing or lagging, try refreshing your browser.
Certificate of Participation and CPE credit
Each person attending the webinar who needs a certificate of participation/continuing professional education (CPE) credits (live webinars only) must submit their key words within 24 hours of the webinar:
Complete the survey (located in the Menu).
Enter the key words in the order they were given during the webinar. We cannot provide the key words after they’ve been given.
Upon receipt, the information will be verified, and if it is accepted, you will receive a Certificate of Participation via email within 14 business days.