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CBPP - It’s Not Too Late to Help Families Get the Expanded Child Tax Credit: Navigator Training 2022

Thursday, May 19, 2022
11:00 am12:30 pm

Tax season is over but families can still claim the full 2021 Child Tax Credit (CTC): up to $3,600 per child per family! Join Code For America, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Coalition on Human Needs and the Partnership for America's Children for a webinar May 19th from 1pm-2:30pm EDT on the re-launch of and important information on this next phase of outreach for the 2021 expanded CTC.

The webinar will focus on how you can help families who do not have a tax filing obligation claim the expanded CTC, and the options available to help individuals who could be eligible for other credits (such as the expanded EITC) claim all the funds that are available to them. You do NOT have to be a tax expert.

Please register even if you are not sure you can attend so you can receive the slides and recording after the training. This webinar will be provided with simultaneous Spanish interpretation and a translated slide deck will be provided after the presentation.

Nearly 90% of children in the U.S. became eligible for the CTC when it was expanded last year. This webinar and our multilingual resources are designed to help you easily navigate as well as integrate CTC outreach to families in your existing programs and communications.