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NonProfitHub - Fundraising from Gen X: What nonprofits need to know in 2022

Tuesday, May 24, 2022
10:00 am11:00 am

Gen X is often lost in the fundraising shuffle between the rising Millennial generation and large, wealthy Baby Boomers. Yet, they actually give more than 23% of all charitable dollars — only second to Boomers.
As this generation increasingly earns and inherits more wealth, planned and major giving professionals have a huge opportunity to engage them in their work.
Join Patrick Schmitt, the Co-CEO of FreeWill, on Tuesday at 12pm ET for a free webinar on the trends shaping Gen X donors, as well as strategies for successfully fundraising from this group in 2022.
You'll take away key learnings on:
• Shifting demographics & wealth
• Tax-savvy types of gifts for Gen X
• Effective Gen X fundraising strategies
RSVP now to this free, can't-miss webinar worth 1.0 CFRE credits. We hope to see you there!