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NCAP - National Partners Webinar on CARES Spending

Thursday, July 14, 2022
1:00 pm2:00 pm

The Time Is Now to Spend Your Money!

Have you spent some of your CSBG CARES funds? Have you spent most or maybe even all of the CSBG CARES funding? Let’s come together and discuss what spending needs to happen during the final three months of the fiscal year. There will be no CSBG CARES funding carryover, so now is the time to spend down these dollars.

Join Denise Harlow, CEO, National Community Action Partnership, Allison Maluf, Executive Director, CAPLAW, and Jeannie Chaffin, Acting Director, NASCSP, in this timely discussion. We are the Community Action Network that cares about the entire community and we can improve communities using CSBG CARES funding.