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WIPFLI - In-Depth Training on OMB's Uniform Guidance Plus Head Start/Early Head Start Regulations Overview

Why Attend
Two of the biggest keys to fiscal management and overall compliance are having strong internal controls and understanding the rules governing how you can and cannot spend federal dollars.

Professionals new to your organization, as well as professionals who have been there for decades, will benefit from this two-day review of the administrative and cost principles/allocation sections of the 2 CFR Part 200 – Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (also known as the Uniform Guidance). And if you administer a Head Start/Early Head Start program, you’ll want to stay for day three when we discuss the latest impacts of the Head Start Act and Program Performance Standards.

Join this training workshop to:

Learn about the Uniform Guidance and Head Start program regulations and, more importantly, how to implement them in your organization.
Review the regulations you need to know to stay in compliance through examples, stories and best practices learned from years of auditing and consulting.
Take back up-to-date and relevant information to implement immediately in your agency.
Wipfli’s nonprofit professionals have been presenting the highest-quality training for more than 40 years. Participants declare Wipfli training “empowering,” “outstanding,” “meaningful,” “invaluable” and “relevant.” At this workshop, our professionals will provide you with in-depth training relating to financial management and program administration.