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WIPFLI - In-Depth Training on OMB’s Uniform Guidance plus recruiting (and keeping) great people (IN PERSON)

Having strong internal controls and understanding the rules governing how you can and cannot spend federal dollars are keys to fiscal management and overall compliance in your organization.

Professionals new to the organization, as well as professionals who have been there for decades, will benefit from this two-day review of the administrative and cost principles/allocation sections of the 2 CFR Part 200 – Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (also known as the Uniform Guidance).

And stay for day three, when we will explore strategies and the recruitment and retention process. Together, we will explore how the job descriptions from the past need to change for the future. We will talk through the hiring process. We will explore advertisings for job openings. We will discuss connecting applicants with organizational culture and results. We will discuss the interview process and where we bring in our personal bias to the process — even when we do not mean to. And we will explore best practices in welcoming people into our culture and keeping them once we get them hired.

Wipfli’s nonprofit specialists have been presenting the highest-quality training for more than 40 years. Participants declare Wipfli training “empowering,” “outstanding,” “meaningful,” “invaluable” and “relevant.” At this workshop, our professionals will provide you with in-depth training relating to financial management and program administration.

Training seminar outline
Training location

The Bethesdan Hotel – Washington DC
8120 Wisconsin Avenue
Bethesda, MD 20814


Group Name: WT0

Room Rate: $199 per night
Rate Expires: October 10, 2022