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NCAP - Project Impact: CSBG Rapid-Cycle Projects Showcase Webinar

Tuesday, December 13, 2022
11:00 am12:00 pm

Join the Office of Community Services, Division of Community Assistance for its Project Impact: Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Rapid-Cycle Projects Virtual Showcase Webinar! The Showcase is an opportunity to learn more about Project Impact and hear from grant recipients on their experience, accomplishments, and findings using rapid-cycle learning (RCL) techniques. The Showcase will culminate the 15-month innovative grant project. The event is limited to first 200 registrants from the CSBG Network. REGISTER HERE to reserve your spot today!

The Significance of Rapid-Cycle Learning in the CSBG Network

During the COVID-19 pandemic many communities demonstrated resiliency and implemented innovative models and programs to support vulnerable households. To support this work, examine the impact of these innovations, and strengthen and scale effective projects, OCS awarded CSBG Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act funds to 16 recipients for the CSBG CARES Act Rapid-Cycle Impact Projects (hereinafter referred to as Project Impact: CSBG Rapid-Cycle Projects). The goal of Project Impact is to help nonprofit organizations that support the needs of low-income individuals and families use rapid-cycle learning (RCL) approaches to test, adapt, and/or enhance innovative programs and service models to effectively respond to urgent community-based needs.