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NCAP - Accessing New Opportunities with HUD Categorical Eligibility

Tuesday, January 31, 2023
12:00 pm1:00 pm

Weatherization Program Notice 22-5. “Expansion of Client Eligibility in the Weatherization Assistance Program”, extended categorical income eligibility to households served by all U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) means-tested programs. This broadens the population eligible for WAP to include most public housing and Section 8, which go up to 80% of Area Median Income. Using this option means local agencies would no longer need to income-verify individual residents in most HUD-subsidized rental buildings. DOE and HUD also provide massive property lists to further streamline this process. To use these exciting new tools, state plans must include HUD categorical eligibility, describe documentation requirements, and develop procedures for property-owner coordination. While state-level coordination with HUD is ideal, local agencies are encouraged to work directly with public housing authorities and property managers to identify low-income buildings to weatherize. In this webinar, federal, state and local panelists will explain how to implement HUD Categorical Eligibility and provide examples of how some states and local agencies are approaching it.