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NCAP - Strong Partnerships Yield Excellent Results in Arkansas WAP

Thursday, February 16, 2023
12:00 pm1:00 pm

The Entergy Low-Income Solutions Partnership uses government, ratepayer and private, nonprofit resources to help LIHEAP-eligible Arkansas households become efficient, comfortable and safe through home weatherization upgrades. Working with WAP Subgrantee Better Community Development, Entergy provides funding to prepare single family homes, apartments and manufactured homes for weatherization, including repairs and enhancements not covered in WAP. Braiding resources enables them to serve many high energy-burden vulnerable households who need the help the most.

• Heather Hendrickson, Entergy Arkansas
• Darryl Swinton, Better Community Development
• Terry Kessinger, ICF Consulting
• Iris Pennington, Arkansas Dept. of Energy and Environment