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CAP Utah 2023 Conference

Monday, June 5, 2023Wednesday, June 7, 2023
Utah Valley Convention Center (Provo, Utah) / Online event.

Preconference - Monday, June 5, 2023 from 1pm - 4pm: A peer networking discussion on intake, technologies, and methods for improving experiences.

Join CAP Utah for the 2023 Hybrid Conference in Provo, Utah and online!

This year’s theme comes from a Tanzanian Proverb - “Wind cannot breaks the tree that bends.” As the pandemic response evolves and political challenges arise, we want to give our statewide network a foundation to build upon (roots), while remembering that Community Action is flexible and changeable as we handle ever-evolving storms.

This year's conference will bring experts in performance management, risk mitigation, technology, finance, trauma-informed care, innovative case management practices, and more!

In-person registration is limited to 150 attendees. However, we welcome virtual participation as well!

This conference is open to Community Action Agencies in Utah, Community Action Agencies in Region 8, and any other partner and/or human services provider who can take advantage of this conference.