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NCAP - Executive Director and Board Chair Symposium

Thursday, November 2, 2023Friday, November 3, 2023
Catholic Charities O’Grady Conference Center
2050 Ballenger Avenue, Suite D
Alexandria, VA 22314

A strong, positive relationship between a Community Action Agency’s Board chair and Executive Director/CEO is essential to ensure effective governance, strategic leadership, and successful organizational management. Investing in that relationship has long term benefits and impact to the organization.

The National Community Action Board Chair/Executive Director Symposium is an opportunity for leaders to come together in pairs over the course of a day and a half to learn, plan, and re-energize around the impact and values of Community Action. This symposium is designed to equip participants with the skills, knowledge, and tools needed to lead their organizations with excellence, foster collaboration, and achieve their missions.


Community Action Leadership Workshops: Sessions will explore key topics such as Keys to Good Board Functioning, Financial Leadership, Setting Vision and Direction, and Building a Healthy Board for the Long Term. Participants gain fresh perspectives and practical tools to enhance their leadership styles.
Pair Planning and Action Sessions: Structured time with for the Board Chair and Executive Director to reflect, strategize, and develop an action plan together will be key. A strong leadership dynamic will benefit the organization and time for each pair to connect will be a component.
Peer Sharing Conversations: Dialogue with peers is a gift that leaders do not get much of in a typical day. Board Chairs will have a chance to talk with their peers from across the US to talk about challenges and share practices that work. Executive Directors will have the same experience with their colleague so they can draw on the collective wisdom of their peers, fostering a sense of community and support.
Key Takeaways: Participants in this training program will leave with a deepened understanding of Community Action leadership practices and enhanced skills in strategic planning, communication, financial management, and governance, as well as a network of peers to support ongoing growth and collaboration.

NCAP is pleased to host this event within a thriving social enterprise, the Catholic Charities O’Grady Conference Center with catering provided by Sprig’s Café.