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UNA - Heart-Led Leadership: Cultivating a Give Back Culture

Thursday, November 9, 2023
10:00 am12:00 pm

In our "Heart-Led Leadership: Cultivating a Give-Back Culture" training, participants will learn real life lessons and examples on leadership driven by empathy, compassion, and genuine concern for others.
This session explores the pivotal role heart-led leaders play in creating a culture that not only prioritizes the well-being and growth of its members but also actively seeks opportunities to contribute positively to the wider community. By infusing the essence of 'giving back' into organizational culture, businesses can achieve greater synergy, motivation, and purpose among its team members.

Thursday, November 9, 2023, 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM (online)

Who Should Attend
Executive Directors, lead managers, or anyone else interested in learning how to effectivey cultivate healthy work culture.

UNA Members $45 | Not Yet Members $90