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NCAP - Exploring the Connection: Community Action Agencies and Family Resource Centers

Wednesday, February 21, 2024
12:30 pm2:00 pm

We invite you to join NCAP Chief Executive Officer Denise Harlow, along with a panel of experts from across the human and social services field, for an upcoming webinar, Exploring the Connection: Community Action Agencies and Family Resource Centers. This webinar is co-sponsored by the National Family Support Network, a membership-based organization comprised of state networks of Family Resource Centers, working together within a collective impact framework to ensure coordinated quality support for families.


This webinar will highlight the impactful work of Community Action Agencies (CAAs) and Family Resource Centers (FRCs) supporting American families. Presenters will discuss similarities and differences of the programs, and examples of when they work in complementary or collaborative ways, or are sometimes one and the same. Two Local Community Action Agencies, that are also FRCs, will present: El Centro De La Raza and Open Doors Utah.
