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NCAP - Promise Neighborhoods Webinar

Tuesday, April 30, 2024
1:00 pm2:00 pm

NCAP is excited to announce a webinar on Tuesday, April 30 at 3 ET/2 CT/1 MT/12 PT on the potential for Community Action Agencies to apply for upcoming grant competitions for the Department of Education’s Promise Neighborhoods and Full-Service Community Schools programs. Please join staff from the Department of Education and Westat to learn more about the programs, eligibility requirements, and how Community Action Agencies can participate.

As a place-based program, a Promise Neighborhood is both a place and a set of strategies. Because of inequitable and exclusionary practices, many people living in the footprint of a Promise Neighborhood have experienced economic distress and its consequences. Nonprofit organizations, institutions of higher education, and Indian/Native American Tribes that receive U.S. Department of Education’s 5-year implementation grants serve as a backbone organization to anchor the Promise Neighborhood in a community. Grantees and community partners build a Promise Neighborhood as unique as the community itself.

Full-service community schools use a consortium of local education agencies and community-based organizations who work collaboratively with students’ families and leverage community-based resources to provide a tailored set of coordinated services and programs to a school community. Community schools meet student social, emotional, mental health, and academic needs through after school and summer learning and enrichment opportunities, as well as mental and physical health services.