2024 Region VIII CAP Conference

Join Community Action Agencies, human services agencies, nonprofits, and vendors from across Utah, Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Colorado as we celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Community Action!
This year's conference will bring experts in performance management, data culture, emotional intelligence, risk mitigation, technology, finance, trauma-informed care, innovative case management practices, and more!
This in-person is hosted by Community Action Partnership of Utah, the Community Action State Association for Utah Community Agencies and member of the Region VIII Association.
The week will begin with a pre-conference on July 30, 2024 which will include: an emotional intelligence training and a poverty simulation.
In addition to engaging speakers and keynotes, the conference will also bring participants together to social via networking events, awards luncheon, and a service project.
Special conference discounts are available to members of CAP Utah and the Region VIII Association.