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Closing the Diaper Gap in Utah: The Diaper Distribution Demonstration and Research Project

Imagine you're a single parent juggling a minimum wage job while caring for your nine-month-old. With more work hours, you feel a glimmer of hope—more income to cover the bills and care for your child. But diapers, an essential yet often overlooked need, become a stumbling block. Your child's daycare turns you away for not providing enough diapers, forcing you to miss work and lose precious income. Sitting in your car in the parking lot, tears of frustration blur your vision as you grapple with the relentless cycle of poverty.

Envision a morning with your cheerful baby, their laughter a bright start to your day. But joy turns to distress during a diaper change when you spot a returning rash. With no funds for rash cream or wet wipes and a dwindling diaper supply, you're left feeling helpless and fearful for your baby's well-being. As your baby cries, so do you, feeling the weight of a situation that seems beyond your control.

Introducing the Diaper Distribution Demonstration and Research Project

The inability to provide a steady supply of diapers can prevent parents from accessing childcare services, thus hindering their ability to work and perpetuating the cycle of poverty. Recognizing this, the Utah Diaper Distribution Demonstration Project (Utah DDDRP) was born out of a partnership between CAP Utah, the Utah Diaper Bank, participating Community Action Agencies in Utah, and the Office of Community Services with the Utah Department of Health and Human Services - Administration for Children and Families, with a vision to do more than just meet immediate needs—it aims to pave the way for long-term economic stability and improved health for families across the state.

The Utah DDDRP is not just a distribution program; it's a research initiative that seeks to understand the broader impact of providing diaper assistance. By documenting how such support can alleviate financial burdens and contribute to positive health outcomes, the project aspires to inform and influence policy decisions. This data-driven approach underscores our commitment to evidence-based solutions and the pursuit of a sustainable model for meeting essential needs.

At its core, the project is a testament to the power of collaboration. By uniting the efforts of various agencies, the Utah DDDRP embodies a community-centric model where resources are pooled, and goals are aligned. This collective approach not only amplifies the reach of the project but also ensures that the assistance provided is both meaningful and measurable. As we move forward, the project stands as a beacon of hope, demonstrating that when we come together to address fundamental challenges, we lay the groundwork for a future where every family in Utah has the opportunity to thrive.


How to Get Diapers and Additional Help

Households at or below 200% federal poverty guidelines are invited to apply at local participating Community Action Agencies and partners. Families will be asked to complete an application and verify income from the last 30 days and complete a basic survey. At intake, households will be asked about their needs and complete surveys needed for the demonstration project.

After you are approved, you will be invited by your case worker to complete a brief survey about your family's situation. This will help you and your case worker set goals and get connected to other resources that can help your family, like services for employment, food, utility, housing, aging, free preschool options, free tax preparation, etc. Your caseworker is there to help you achieve your goals and dreams - you are the boss of your own case plan!


How You Can Make a Difference

The struggle to afford diapers is a reality for too many families, but you can be part of the solution. Here’s how you can help:

Donate: Monetary donations are crucial. Your donation will go towards these families and help them be able to reduce stress over finances and improve the health of young children. Consider making a one-time gift or setting up a recurring donation through our website.

Volunteer Your Time: The Utah Diaper Bank ships 100,000 diapers a month, and needs volunteers of all types to help maintain their growth. If you're interested in volunteering, contact them at

Spread the Word: Awareness is key. Share our mission with your network, engage with us on social media, and encourage others to support the cause.

Share your story: Share how diaper access has impacted you by emailing your story to

Every diaper donated, every dollar contributed, and every share brings us closer to a community where no child goes without the basics. Together, we can close the diaper gap in Utah.
