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Top Summer Challenges for Low-Income Families and How You Can Help

Summer can be a particularly challenging time for individuals and families experiencing poverty. From increased food insecurity to the struggle to keep cool in extreme heat, the warmer months present unique obstacles. Here’s a look at the biggest issues faced during summer and how CAP Utah and its partner organizations are stepping up to help.

Increased Food Insecurity

When school is out, children who rely on free or reduced-price meals during the academic year face higher risks of hunger. According to the USDA, 44.2 million people lived in food-insecure households in 2022, with 7.3 million children among them. Summer meal programs like the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) help bridge this gap, but the need remains high​ (USDA ERS)​​ (USDA)​​ (USDA ERS)​.

Where You Can Find Help:

  • Utah Food Bank: Provides summer food programs and mobile food distribution to local pantries. They also offer summer meals to children under 18 years of age. Find resources near you at Get Help – Utah Food Bank.
  • Community Action Services and Food Bank: Offers food pantries and nutritional support throughout Utah, Summit, and Wasatch Counties.
  • Utahns Against Hunger: UAH offers a wide variety of services to assist people in finding the food that they need.  Utahns Against Hunger - Get Help ( 
  • The USDA’s site finder tool helps you find local summer meals for children under 18 years of age: Find a site near you
  • When in doubt, calling 211 Utah, ​​a resource network connecting Utahns in need with local health and social services, is always a good option. Call 211 or visit 211 | Find : Anything (

How You Can Help:

  • Support Local Food Pantries: Volunteering your time or donating non-perishable items can make a big difference.
  • Donate to Summer Meal Programs: Contributions to programs like SFSP can help ensure more children have access to nutritious meals during the summer.

Extreme Heat and Utility Bills

Managing utility bills during extreme heat is another significant challenge. Many families struggle to afford the increased costs of air conditioning, leading to health risks associated with overheating. The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a critical resource, but demand often exceeds availability​ (HUD)​​ (USDA ERS)​.

Where You Can Find Help:

How You Can Help:

  • Support Utility Assistance Programs: Donating to a Community Action Agency that operates the HEAT program can help families manage their utility bills.
  • Promote Energy Efficiency: Encourage local initiatives that provide energy-efficient solutions and weatherization assistance to low-income households.

Lack of Access to Childcare and Summer Programs

Without the structure of the school year, many low-income families face difficulties finding affordable childcare or summer programs. This can impact parents’ ability to work and children’s opportunities for enrichment and safe supervision​ (The White House)​.

Where You Can Find Help:

  • Head Start Programs: Provides early childhood education and summer programs.
  • Open Doors and Family Support Centers: Supports families with resources and referrals for affordable childcare. Family Support Centers: Find a center near you
  • Care About Childcare: Search for childcare here

How You Can Help:

  • Support Childcare Programs: Volunteering or donating to organizations that offer summer programs or childcare can provide much-needed support to families.
  • Advocate for Expanded Childcare Services: Supporting policies that fund and expand access to affordable childcare and summer programs can help address this issue long-term.

Digital Access Challenges

As the world becomes increasingly digital, access to technology and the internet is crucial. However, many low-income families lack the necessary resources, limiting their access to educational tools, job opportunities, and essential services​ (Purdue Center for Regional Development)​.

Where You Can Find Help:

  • CAP Utah is in the process of developing more resources for those in need of digital access, follow our channels to stay updated
  • Tech Charities provides discounted laptops at a more affordable price
  • Local Libraries and Community Centers: Often provide free internet access and digital literacy programs.

How You Can Help:

  • Donate Devices and Internet Services: Contributions to programs that provide technology and internet access can help bridge the digital divide, locally you can donate devices to Tech Charities
  • Volunteer for Digital Literacy Programs: Teach basic digital skills to help individuals navigate online resources effectively.


As we move through the summer, your support is more crucial than ever. Together, we can help ensure that all families have access to the resources they need to thrive. Visit our website to learn more about how you can get involved and make a difference in your community.
