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Past Utah Legislative Bills Tracking

2022 Utah Legislature Bill Tracking

Tracking 2022 Utah Legislative Bills

Below are bills that CAP Utah is watching during the 2022 legislative session. This is not representative of all bills and will be updated throughout the season.

For most up to date and comprehensive information, we encourage you to visit the  2022 General Session page from the Utah Legislature.

You can also access additional bill trackers from:


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Updated March 15th, 2022

Category Bill # Bill Name Sponsor Description Status
Poverty Issues HB 50 Intergenerational Poverty Mitigation Amendments Handy  Repeals: the Utah Intergenerational Welfare Reform Commission; the Intergenerational Poverty Advisory Committee; and the Intergenerational Poverty Plan Implementation Pilot Program. Puts reporting requirements on DWS. House to Governor
Poverty Issues HB 162 Period Products in Schools Lisonbee This bill requires local school boards and charter school governing boards to provide period products in certain restrooms within all school facilities. House to Governor
Family/Employment HB 15 Child Care Amendments Pulsipher Clarifies the Department of Health's responsibilities for childcare. Removes provisions limiting the number of children under two years old that a certified residential child care provider may care for House to Governor
Education HB 21 School and Child Care Center Water Testing Requirements Handy Requires certain testing of water for lead at schools and child care centers House to Governor
Education HB 103 Student Intervention Early Warning Program Peterson This bill converts the student intervention early warning pilot program into an ongoing program House to Governor
Education HB 113 Funding for Students with Disabilities Judkins This bill amends a formula related to add-on weighted pupil units for students with disabilities. House to Governor
Income / Tax Policy HB 105 Reductions to Income Tax Seegmiller Lowers the tax rate for both corporations and individuals from 4.95 to 4.75 House/Filed
Income / Tax Policy HB 125 State Transient Room Tax Modifications Wilson Eliminates the scheduled repeal of the State Transient Room Tax Act House to Governor
Income / Tax Policy SB 48 Individual Income Tax Amendments McCay Allows for carrying forward tax credits and prevents double dipping. Senate enrolled bill to printing
Income / Tax Policy SB 59 State Income Tax Rate Reduction Vickers Lowers the tax rate for both corporations and individuals from 4.95 to 4.9 Governor signed
Income / Tax Policy SB 62 Income Tax Rate Reduction McCay Lowers the tax rate for both corporations and individuals from 4.95 to 4.6 Senate enrolled bill to printing
Income / Tax Policy HB 307 Earned Income Tax Credit Amendments Winder Establishes a state EITC match House filed
Rural HB 25 Utah Rural Jobs Act Amendments Abbott Addresses the method for allocating new annual jobs at an eligible small business that receives a growth investment from more than one rural investment company House to Governor
Rural SB 111 Permanent Community Impact Fund Amendments Winterton Modifies the Permanent Community Impact Fund board composition. Senate to Governor
Housing / Homelessness HB 26 Renter's Credit Amendments Eliason This bill addresses the subtraction of certain utilities from rent for purposes of calculating the renter's credit in the Property Tax Act. House to Governor
Housing / Homelessness HB 36 Commission on Housing Affordability Amendments Waldrip Establishes the Housing Affordability Subcommittee, formerly the Commission onHousing Affordability, as a permanent subcommittee of the Unified EconomicOpportunity Commission within the Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity House to Governor
Housing / Homelessness HB 71 Utah Fair Housing Act Amendments Collard Clarifies a list of certain discriminatory housing practices House filed
Housing / Homelessness HB 119 Rental Owner Duties Amendments Dailey-Provost Removes a provision prohibiting a renter from bringing a cause of action for an owner's failure to comply with certain requirements of the Utah Fit Premises Act. House filed
Justice/Government SB 22 Public-private Partnership Amendments Millner Eliminates a repeal date for the Public-private Partnerships Act Senate to Governor
Justice/Government HB 45 Justice Court Judge Elections Amendments Hawkins Amends the ballot requirements for a retention election of a justice court judge House to Governor
Justice/Government HB 56 Voter Accessibility Amendments Gwynn Gives voters with disabilities more information and signature waivers. House filed
Justice/Government SB 45 Department of Health and Human Services Amendments Anderegg  Implements the reorganization of the Department of Health and Human Services Senator to Governor
Justice/Government SB 117 Utah Antidiscrimination Act Amendments Kitchen Bill amends the Utah Antidiscrimination Act to provide protection for a trait historically associated with race, including a protective hairstyle. Senate filed
Justice/Government HB 20 Extension of the Utah Council on Victims of Crime Lisonbee This bill repeals the sunset date of the Utah Council on Victims of Crime. House to Governor
Health / Aging HB 11 Student Athletics Participation Birkeland Hormone treatment requirement for a student athlete whose birth certificate is amended House enrolled to printing
Health / Aging HB 23 First Responder Mental Health Services Amendments Wilcox Requires all first responder agencies to provide mental health resources for employees, spouses, children, and retirees House to Governor
Health / Aging HB 60 Vaccine Passport Amendments Brooks Makes it unlawful for a place of public accommodation to discriminate against an individual based on immunity status, also prohibits government and employers from requiring vaccination. House filed
Health / Aging SB 41 Behavioral Health Services Amendments Kennedy Expand integrated behavioral health program and allow medicaid to reimburse local mental health authorities Senate to Governor
Health / Aging HB 178 Ranked-choice Voting Amendments Winder This bill requires ranked-choice voting to be used in multi-candidate races in primary and general elections House filed
Food/Nutrition HB 165 Food Sales Tax Amendments Lesser Removes the state portion on sales tax on food. House filed
Food/Nutrition SB 133 Food Security Amendments Escamilla creates the State Nutrition Action Coalition at Utah State University to coordinate 14 state efforts in addressing food security. Senate to Governor
Food/Nutrition HB 297 Local Food Advisory Council Amendments Handy Modifies the makeup of the Local Food Advisory Council; extends the repeal date for the Local Food Advisory Council House to Governor
Food/Nutrition HB 256 Farm to School Program Handy Creates the Utah Farm to Fork Commission - to assist schools, childcare centers, nonprofit organizations, and farmers to establish or expand farm to school programs. House filed
Food/Nutrition HB 203 Food Sales Tax Modifications Rohner Removes the state tax imposed on amounts paid or charged for food and food. House filed
Food/Nutrition HB 142 Donation of Wild Game Meat Ferry Establishes conditions under which wild game meat may be donated to a nonprofit 15 charitable organization House to Governor