CAP Utah's 2023 Hybrid Conference
Join CAP Utah for the 2023 Hybrid Conference in Provo, Utah and online!
This year’s theme comes from a Tanzanian Proverb - “Wind cannot break the tree that bends.” As the pandemic response evolves and political challenges arise, we want to give our statewide network a foundation to build upon (roots), while remembering that Community Action is flexible and changeable as we handle ever-evolving storms.
This year's conference will bring experts in performance management, risk mitigation, technology, finance, trauma-informed care, innovative case management practices, and more! You can interact with community partners and sponsors at vendor booths as well!
In-person registration is limited to 150 attendees. However, we welcome virtual participation as well!
This conference is open to Community Action Agencies in Utah, Community Action Agencies in Region 8, and any other partner and/or human services provider who can take advantage of this conference.
Update 6/1/23 - Registration is now closed
Thank you to our 2023 Sponsors!

Utah Broadband Conference - June 7th
The Utah Broadband Office will be holding a statewide Broadband Conference on June 7th at the same venue as the CAP Utah 2023 Hybrid Conference. In-person attendees are invited to stay on June 7th and participate at no additional costs!
The Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity, Utah Broadband Center and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) invite you to the Internet for All: Utah Broadband Confluence in Provo, UT.
This event will bring together critical stakeholders in Utah from the federal, state, tribal, and local governments, industry, and other key collaborators to discuss coordination on broadband efforts as the state prepares its strategic five-year broadband plan in preparation to receive significant broadband funds from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
Connecting all people in Utah to affordable, reliable high-speed internet is critical to our economic stability and this event will provide an opportunity for us to discuss ways we can work together to efficiently and effectively utilize these federal dollars to the maximum extent.
Participants of the CAP Utah Conference are especially invited to attend the afternoon session, following the close of the CAP Utah 2023 Hybrid Conference:
1:00 pm: Inspirational Storytelling on Broadband Access and Digital Equity and Breakout Sessions on Middle and Last Mile Solutions, Digital Inclusion Best Practices and Resources, and the Affordable Connectivity Program
3:10 pm – 5:00 pm: Feedback Activity and Networking
Conference Venue
This year's conference will be held at the Utah Valley Convention Center in Downtown Provo.

Use the CVent App or AttendeeHub to find more information about the venue.