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Legislative Updates

CSBG Reauthorization

HR 5129: The Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Modernization Act of 2021 - Impact on Utah

Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) is given to local Community Action Agencies to help families and communities combat the causes and conditions of poverty. CSBG is the only federal program with the explicit and overarching goal of reducing poverty, regardless of its cause. In Utah, this funding has been leveraged to start innovative programs, plan for transportation and community health projects, and administer other programs that help households with low-income stabilize and work towards economic security.

This bill is important in several ways:

  • It reauthorizes CSBG for 10 years – providing stability for agencies across the state
  • It raises the minimum state allocation - increasing the funds that come to Utah.
  • It allows states to increase CSBG eligibility to 200% federal poverty guidelines – allowing agencies to serve a wider range of community members and making CSBG easier to leverage with other programs. It also allows CAAs to continue working with those near the poverty level to continue to access supportive services and case management as they increase their income and work towards self-sufficiency.

CAP Utah encourages members of the state association and friends of Community Action to support reauthorization
in two ways:

  • Connect with legislative members and encourage them to support HR 5129. Tell them how CSBG has allowed you or your partners to help people and change lives.
  • Donate to the National Community Action Foundation (NCAF). NCAF is the only organization that specifically advocates and lobbies on behalf of the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) and Community Action


On Tuesday, August 31, 2021, HR 5129: The Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Modernization Act of 2021 was introduced into the House of Representatives.

It will be heard in the US House's Education and Labor Committee on Wednesday, November 3, 2021. This is the first CSBG Reauthorization hearing in 18 years! Visit CAP Utah's Event Page to find more information - including how to view live.

Impacts to the Community Action Network in Utah